Shamanic Healing Sessions

To Restore Balance and Harmony

Connect with the wisdom of nature and the universe to achieve deep healing and empowerment.

Professional holistic shamanic healing sessions for:

Anxiety, fears, phobia, panic attacks, trauma, stress.

Feeling lost, blocked, or confused.

Grief, depression, heaviness, loss.

Insomnia, nightmares, night terrors, sleep disorders.

Cancer and hospice.

Soul Loss – occurs from traumatic events

Soul Retrieval – retrieves your lost soul fragments

Soul Extraction – extracts negative disruptions from your body and mind

Iah Ka has worked as a shamanic practitioner for 24 years specializing in Soul Loss, Soul Retrieval, and Soul Extraction.

She performs a laying-on-of-hands method, like Reiki hand placements, yet her shamanic healing approach expands her consciousness to journey into other dimensions, points of time, other lifetimes or realms, even inside your organs and cells of your body, to locate the source of your issue to bring rapid results. 

It is a very gentle healing process. 

Symptoms of Experiencing Soul Loss

If you have any of these below symptoms, you may have soul loss.  If thoughts and emotions continue to play over and over in your mind of memories, this means a piece of your soul is lost and still trapped.  To retrieve lost pieces of your soul, a soul retrieval is needed.  Iah Ka can journey to different dimensions of space and time to retrieve your lost soul fragments. 

  • Depression.
  • Sleep Apnea.
  • A feeling of being lost or incomplete.
  • Inability to move past an issue.
  • Feeling stuck.
  • Feeling disconnected from life.
  • Feeling numb. 
  • Something is missing from life.
  • Feeling shattered, in pieces.
  • Lost a piece of yourself.
  • Can’t find yourself.
  • A part of yourself died.
  • Lost memories.
  • Never felt the same after a traumatic event. 
  • A sense that someone took a part of you.
  • You keep wanting to return to a person or location that seems unhealthy or unlikely, even though there is no apparent reason for you to do so. 

Benefits of Soul Retrieval

  • Feel lighter. 
  • Feel more balanced and centered
  • Feel more fully present.
  • Ability to move past an issue.
  • Great joy.
  • Easier to move forward.
  • Easier to make decisions or changes
  • Connect to things more easily.
  • Characteristic you have struggled with, such as confidence, can improve
  • A complete turnaround of your life.
  • New growth.
  • Able to begin dealing with grief.

Possible Challenges from a Soul Retrieval

  • You may find that you can no longer stay in a situation which you have been living with, such that you find you must make changes in your life.
  • You may have feelings of sadness or depression because of the time that went by missing that part of you.
  • Issues that you have previously been unwilling to deal with can come to the surface.
  • You may find feelings that you previously did not wish to deal with assert themselves, such as grief or anger.
  • You may begin a long healing process.


Symptoms of Needing a Soul Extraction

Soul extraction is the removal of negative energy and disruptions from your body and mind.  This is sometimes called intrusions or spirit attachments.  This energy does not belong in the body and may cause illness.  This disruptive energy can also be caused by others sending harmful negative thought forms of psychic attack upon you.  Iah Ka has great knowledge and skill to perform soul extractions to remove negative energy from you.

  • Feel exhausted or drained of energy.
  • Rapid character shifts or mood swings.
  • Insomnia, difficulty sleeping.
  • Repeating dreams, nightmares or night terrors.
  • Fear of going crazy, losing your mind.
  • Panic or anxiety attacks
  • Body shaking on the inside.
  • Being attacked by a virus.
  • Migraine headaches.
  • Memory problems.
  • Loss of time.
  • Poor concentration.

(951) 699-9010 - Balanced Energies, Temecula, California